'Arthurs Boot' is a trophy given to the winners of an OP 6 a-side tournament in...er....um...wherever the fuck it was....
We wore an orange shirt......oh for Christs sake!!!! Call me Al....short for Alzheimers....
Anyroad...'Arthurs Boot' was in honour of Arthur 'Bob The Coach' Barton who sadly shuffled off this mortal coil shortly before this particular tour... A suggestion that 'Arthurs Boot' could be hollowed out to contain some of Arthurs ashes was only rejected on the grounds that we had no idea where the fuck Arthurs ashes where......
As a 'relatively new' Old Pretender Captain Pugwash is highly honoured to be splashed all over the interweb thingy in this way....
Never the less, the glory was his.
I now come to a far more important topic.
Where is Chuckers puke?
Chucker - and a photo will be forthcoming when he mails me one - became the only OP to have a medallion named after him.
The medallion in question was made up of.....in no uncertain terms... his puke.
Where is it?????
Who has got it?????
A 20p fine WILOL...WILOL??....I'm pissed....WILL be paid by the insideous (is that how you spell it? How the fuck do I know????) reprobate (that's spelt correctly) who nicked it.
Rumour has it that a senior OP is in posession of this highly sought after souvenier...souven...oh fuck it.....thingy....
Chucker Puke Trophy is formally 'missing'.
Take yer pick. A 20p fine or a 20p reward from club funds for its return.....
Laters 'n let's be careful out there...
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